Curious Tales of the Talmud - Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages
April 2013

Everyone loves a good story. Knowing this, the sages of the Talmud used stories to encode messages about life that are far too deep and profound to communicate directly. This course decodes some of these extraordinary Talmudic mysteries to uncover layer within layer of insight into the nature of life, the universe, G‑d, and man.

6 Thursdays beginning April 25 - June 6.
10:30 AM or 8:00 PM
(There will be no class on May 16th.)

Six Sundays beginning May 5 - June 9
10:30 AM 

Fee $100.00 - tuition includes textbook.   
Multiple Signups Special: 10% off with Minimum 2 signups
Full or partial scholarships may be available via the Dr. Reading Dallal JLI Scholarship Fund.


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