The Art of Parenting
Early Winter 2015
As parents, we worry about the well-being of our kids; about their future, and about our role in shaping it. How do we keep them safe, while encouraging their independence? When should we motivate them by incentive, and when by establishing firm consequences? And how do we build their self-esteem to prepare them mentally and emotionally for the long road ahead?
In The Art of Parenting, we scale the challenges that face us as parents and explore timeless insights from Jewish wisdom to instill values, foster independence, and ensure the long-term success and emotional well-being of our children.
This class is available at many different times, for your convenience:
- 6 Sundays, beginning 1/25/15 through 3/1/15, at 11:30 am
- 6 Wednesdays, beginning 1/21/15 through 2/25/15, at 10:30 am.
- Wednesdays, beginning 1/21/15 through 2/25/15, at 8:00 pm
Course tuition is $100, includes textbook. Earn 10% discount when you sign up two or more people!
Full or partial scholarships may be available via the Dr. Reading Dallal JLI Scholarship Fund.
Child care will be provided on site, during the morning classes, enabling parents of children to attend this course without worry. For a nominal fee, our nurturing and caring staff will care for your young child (ages 0 - 5) so that you can attend this monumental course.
Click here to register.
Click here to register your child for JLI Care.