Journey of the Soul
Fall 2015
Journey of the Soul explores the mysteries surrounding the spiritual dimension of our existence—our destiny that continues even after we’ve shed our earth-bound body suit. We examine the transition of the soul into the hereafter, the kinds of legacies that are valued even after we’ve forsaken this earthly existence, and the accompanying emotional journey and rituals that help the soul and those closest to it prepare for its new reality.
This class is available at many different times, for your convenience:
· 6 Sundays, beginning 10/25/15 through 11/29/15, at 10:30 am
· 6 Sundays, beginning 10/25/15 through 11/29/15, at 7:00 pm
· 6 Thursdays, beginning 10/29/15 through 12/3/15, at 10:30 am
(Due to Thanksgiving, we will meet for Lesson 5 on Tuesday, 11/24/2015 instead of Thursday, 11/26/15)
· 6 Thursdays, beginning 10/29/15 through 12/3/15, at 8:00 pm
(Due to Thanksgiving, we will meet for Lesson 5 on Tuesday, 11/24/2015 instead of Thursday, 11/26/15)
Course tuition is $100, includes textbook. Earn 10% discount when you sign up two or more people!