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Cteen Gala Info Journal and Reservations Honorees About Skokie Cteen

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Nathan Isaiah Shapiro was born in Evanston, Illinois; his proud
parents are Jeffrey and Dalia Shapiro. Nathan attended Hillel
Torah and was elected by his peers to be 8th grade class
president. He earned second place in the national Chidon
Hatanach competition. Nathan is a sophomore at Ida Crown
Jewish Academy where he enjoys learning Gemara, Chumash,
and Navi. Nathan reads Torah weekly at several minyanim in
Skokie. In his spare time, you can find him riding his bike
around the neighborhood. Nathan is an active member of
Skokie Cteen and enjoys traveling to different cities, attending
Shabbatons, and meeting new people with Cteen.


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Hailey Brooke Goltz has many roles. She is big sister to 1st
grader, Maddy and little sister to high-schoolers Ray & Josh.
She is an accomplished gymnast and competes on an AAU
gymnastics team. Hailey is a natural and gifted performer. She
plays trumpet in her school Jazz and Concert bands, has
worked hard in starring roles in numerous school productions,
and plays on her school soccer team. Hailey is in 6th grade at
Bessie Rhodes School of Global Studies in Skokie. She is a
lover of animals, wild and domesticated; especially her two
guinea pigs, Dexter and Jazzy. Hailey greatly values her Cteen
family and her time learning Torah with Morah Yona Posner.
She looks forward to many more adventures with Cteen.