Welcome to Skokie Chabad Hebrew School! This is the school where kids don’t want to miss a day.

We want Jewish children to take pride in their identity and to experience the joy of Judaism tangibly.

Each week, we engage the kids with creative and relevant hands-on lessons and interactive learning.

Torah values and mitzvot come alive in a practical way, the children feel at home, and this lays the foundation for a lifetime of positive involvement.

There is always a vital and immediate need to provide our children with a deep connection and Jewish self-identity.

This year, as we are being bombarded with negative messages and misinformation about Israel, we’ll be delving into our heritage in the Holy Land and its central role in the Jewish past, present, and future. Students will relive the journey of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, from the time the Jews entered the land led by prophets and kings, until the destruction of the Holy Temple. Together we’ll discover the secret to our eternal survival with tools that were established to keep Judaism thriving in the Diaspora.


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For more information read the links below.