I’m not it, and it’s not me
Yet it creates both you and We.
From wisps of earth and air behind
It simulates what’s in Our minds.
To hide the way to happiness
Where we find a peace we seek
Wrapped in people that we love
Saving some who wish to flee.
Rescuing them from drowning seas
Securing all they need.
Transforming souls between us all
Teaching us to see.
This is the G‑d we make together.
And find in parts and more.
Stitched together in little pieces,
Revolving around a core.
He brought together all of us
But trusts we’ll do His will;
But our wills sometimes go astray
And our targets often missed.
He created us to build His world
To eliminate the strife
By having us cooperate
In a master plan of life.
And as each of us proceeds ahead,
Helping those behind
By strengthening what we find weak,
Preserving virtue that we find.
We are all, yet we are one
Singular in whom we be
Unique in what we have to do
So we can overcome
And weave that which needs to change
Because they no longer speak to us,
And weave together you and me.
To make better Souls from our debris.
To create a process to repent.
From what we find I hope to learn
Of futures which are not yours nor mine
But one described as simply Ours
To produce a path that’s good and just.
Find your way to clear blue skies
To start a journey of return
With actions that G‑d chooses
To form a life with Him.
In Tshuvah lies the answers
To change the souls we have
To lose the selfishness within.
To fill our destiny.
Our G‑d is real as a sun
Without apologetics when day is done.
To shine in helping those around,
Placing us on solid ground.
Not to think of our reward
But the gifts we owe to Him
For granting a most lovely world
To live in gratitude.
To discover what I need to know
To help my fellow man
To lead him then beyond themselves
To create a better land.
With each to add to strength
With each to add to love
And with each act to fellow man
To bring down Heaven from above.
G‑d is not an abstract thought
But real as the sun and moon
He is not a metaphor
But a real G‑d depending on
That which needs occurs.