We were created with wills that are free
To allow us to choose who we will be,
To shape our own lives, to bless and to curse,
And suffer the outcomes for better or worse.

The Author of all lets us script our own plays,
But edits the endings as He will dictate;
The choices we make tells Him who we might be
By showing our values in what we create.
Is it money or power or fame we pursue,
Or possibly honor or finding the truth?

No guarantees can ever be made.
Choice, by its nature, is both loss and gain.
In our byzantine world where falseness abounds,
Of the wisdom we need, very little is found.

But how we attempt to achieve what we might,
Allows Him to make a judgment that’s right.
To do what is good takes courage to risk,
Requiring virtue of men at their best.

Make no mistake.  This is our greatest test
That He gives to us all before we can rest.
To cower in fear makes us less than we are
With nothing accomplished except to exist.

So, don’t waste His gift because you’re afraid
Of loss of your fortune or even a plague.
To shut ourselves off from freedom’s great joys
Makes sinners of us and The piper to pay.

- Finding the Light of G‑d, page 34