Vol. 14, Issue 26 (#750) E-mail Edition Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie Shul News – Shabbos Sukkos, 5774 (17 Tishrei-09/21/2013)

Table of Contents

News and Announcements 
Sukkos Farbrengens 
Shul Kiddush Schedule Until After Yom Tov 
Simchas Torah Schedule 
Your Reservations are Needed NOW 
Thank Yous 
Kiddush Sponsors 
Timely Reminders 
Schedule for the Coming Week 
Shabbat L’Yisraelim 
Useful Information 
From our Online Magazine

News and Announcements


Sukkos Farbrengens

Please join us for our legendary Farbrengens in the Sukkah! Enjoy some camaraderie and sharing good times with friends. Our Schedule is as follows:

For Women: 
Motzai Shabbos Chol Hamoed (9/21), 8:30 p.m. – Muchnik, 8824 Kenneth

For Men: 
First Day of Yom Tov (9/19), 4:30 p.m. – Gold, 8821 Kilpatrick 
Second Day of Yom Tov (9/20), 4:45 p.m. – Fedida, 8653 Keeler 
Shabbos Chol Hamo’ed (9/21), 4:45 p.m. – Finkel, 8636 Keeler 
Sunday, Chol Hamoed (9/22), 7:30 p.m. – Rashkow, 8832 Kenton 
Monday, Chol Hamoed (9/23), 8:30 p.m. – Miller, 9055 Keystone 
Tuesday, Chol Hamoed (9/24), 7:30 p.m. – Levy, 9116 Four Winds Way

Shul Kiddush Schedule Until After Yom Tov

9/19 – Sukkot: NO Kiddush at Shul 
9/20 – Sukkot: NO Kiddushat Shul 
9/21 – Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot: regular kiddush in the Sukkah 
9/26 – Shmini Atzeret: NO Kiddush at Shul 
9/27 – Simchat Torah: Breakfast kiddush, Lunch by reservation here 
9/28 – Shabbat Bereishit: regular Kiddush

Simchas Torah Schedule

Here are the details of Simchas Torah, so you can plan ahead.

Simchas Torah Eve, Thursday Night (9/26) 
7:35......Kiddush, Candlelighting for women available at shul (from existing flame) 
8:10......Kids’ Simchas Torah Celebration 
Adults begin Auction & Ato Horaisa 
9:40......Kids join Adults for dancing with Torahs

Simchas Torah Day, Friday (9/27) 
9:00......Shacharis begins 
10:00.....Breakfast Kiddush 
10:30.....Breakfast Kiddush is put away 
Kids’ Simchas Torah Celebration 
Adults begin Auction & Ato Horaisa 
11:50.....Hakafos Recitation Begins 
12:00.....Kids join adults for dancing with Torahs 
12:15.....Torah Reading followed by Musaf 
2:00......Musaf ends; Lunch Seudah (by reservation) begins

Your Reservations are Needed NOW

Before Yom Tov we must have a count for the communal Simchas Torah lunch. If you intend to join us, we must have your reservations placed here:

This meal was founded and organized for many years by Manny Scheer, a”h.

Thank Yous

We thank to Steve Friedman for helping to make the transition back after Yom Kippur.

We thank Avi Belson and family and Matt- Bourque for rescuing the Shul Sukkah

Kiddush Sponsors

Rob and Chaya Phillips in honor of Ethan's 16th birthday

Timely Reminders

We continue to say "L'Dovid.." (annotated Tehilas Hashem Sidur, p. 76, 115, 220, 267) in Shacharis and Mincha through Wednesday, Hoshana Raba.

We do not say Tachnun until the end of the month of Tishrei.

In order to be permitted to prepare on Sukos for Shabbos, remember to make an Eruv Tavshillin on Erev Sukos (9/18) & on Hashana Raba (9/25). Instructions and what to say are on page 327 in the annotated Tehilas Hashem Sidur.

It is customary to eat a festive seudah meal on each day of Chol Hamoed. More about Chol Hamoed is explained here:

On Hoshana Raba we will have Hoshanos available at Shacharis for $4.50. 
During the day on Hoshana Raba we have a Yomtovdike Seudah, dip the Hamotzi in honey, and eat Kreplach. You can read more here.

Schedule for the Coming Week


Wednesday – Erev Sukos

6:30 a.m.Shacharis 
7:15 a.m.Gemora Shabbos with Rabbi Posner 
Remember to make Eruv Tavshillin 
6:35 p.m.Candlelighting 
6:45 p.m. Mincha & Maariv 
At the end of Kiddush make the "Laishaiv BaSuka" and then the "Shehecheyanu." At each Seudas Yomtov we dip the Hamotzi in honey.

Thursday – First Day of Sukos

9:00 a.m.Shacharis 
4:30 p.m.Farbrengen in the Gold Sukkah, 8821 Kilpatrick 
6:45 p.m. Mincha & Maariv 
7:34 p.m. Candlelighting after this time from pre-existing flame 
We may not prepare for the night's Seudah until this time. 
Second night Kidush: Hagafen, Asher Bochar, Shehecheyanu, Lashaiv. (The last two Brachos are in different order than first night.)

Friday – Second Day of Sukos

9:00 a.m.Shacharis 
4:45 p.m.Farbrengen in the Fedida Sukkah, 8653 Keeler 
Preparations for Shabbos permitted by Eruv Tavshillin must be completed so that one can benefit before Shabbos begins. 
6:31 p.m. Candlelighting 
6:40 p.m.Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

Shabbos – Chol Hamoed Sukos

9:40 a.m.Latest Morning Krias Shma 
We do not take the Lulav and Esrog on Shabbos, and do not say Hoshanos 
9:00 a.m.Shacharis 
followed by Kiddush in the Shul Sukkah sponsored by Rob and Chaya Phillips in honor of Ethan's 16th birthday
4:45 p.m.Farbrengen in the Finkel Sukkah, 8636 Keeler 
6:30 p.m. Mincha 
7:31 p.m.Maariv and Shabbos ends 
We make Havdala in the Sukah with "Laishaiv BaSukah" 
8:30 p.m.Farbrengen for Women in the Muchnik Sukkah, 8824 Kenneth

Sunday - Chol Hamoed Sukos

8:00 a.m. Shacharis 
We do not put on Tefillin during Chol Hamo'ed. 
6:00 p.m.“Sushi in the Sukah” for Teens, 8610 Harding 
6:35 p.m. Mincha 
followed by “The Living Torah” 
7:18 p.m. Maariv 
7:30 p.m.Farbrengen in the Rashkow Sukkah, 8832 Kenton

Monday - Chol Hamoed Sukos

6:30 a.m. Shacharis 
We do not put on Tefillin during Chol Hamo'ed. 
7:30 a.m.Gemora Shabbos with Rabbi Posner 
6:35 p.m. Mincha 
7:16 p.m. Maariv 
8:30 p.m.Farbrengen in the Miller Sukkah, 9055 Keystone

Tuesday - Chol Hamoed Sukos

6:30 a.m.Shacharis 
We do not put on Tefillin during Chol Hamo'ed. 
7:30 a.m.Gemora Shabbos with Rabbi Posner 
6:35 p.m. Mincha 
7:14 p.m.Maariv 
7:30 p.m.Farbrengen in the Levy Sukkah, 9116 Four Winds Way

Next Wednesday – Hoshana Rabba

6:30 a.m.Shacharis 
We do not put on Tefillin during Chol Hamo'ed. 
Hoshanos will be available at Shacharis @$4.50. 
During the day we have a Yomtovdike Seudah, dip the Hamotzi in honey, and eat Kreplach. 
Remember to make an Eruv Tavshillin (Annotated Sidur p. 327) 
6:22 p.m.Candlelighting 
6:30 p.m. Mincha 
7:13 p.m. Maariv, Kiddush and

Next Thursday – Shmini Atzeres

9:00 a.m.Shacharis 
10:45 a.m.Yizkor (approximately)
6:30 p.m. Mincha 
7:22 p.m. Candlelighting after this time from pre-existing flame 
7:20 p.m. Maariv, Kiddush and Hakafos

Next Friday – Simchas Torah

9:00 a.m.Shacharis 
6:19 p.m. Candlelighting from pre-existing flame 
6:25 p.m.Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

Next Shabbos Beraishis

9:42 a.m.Latest Morning Krias Shma 
9:00 a.m.Shacharis followed by washing Kiddush( lunch) 
5:55 p.m. Mincha 
Followed by Seudah/Farbrengen 
7:18 p.m.Maariv and Shabbos ends

Yom v’Shabbat Shabbat L’Yisraelim

Yom Tov v’Shabbat L'Yisraelim, provided by Rabbi Menachem Slavaticki and the Chabad Israeli Center, will meet this Yom Tov and Shabbat at 10:00 a.m. on the lower level for Shacharit. The Tefila will be followed by a complete Seudat Shabbat in the Slavaticki Sukkah.

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