wonderland 2015

Chanukah Wonderland
Bring kids of all ages for a rollicking good time at the Chanukah Wonderland!
Loads of activities this year including

  • Dreidel bounce house
  • Facepaint
  • Make your own donut
  • Take a picture with Judah Maccabee
  • Baby/Toddler Zone
  • Shiny Dreidel Crafts
  • Rainbow Loom Chanukah Jewelry
  • Wood Etching
  • Chanukah gelt
  • Prizes and more!

Interactive Storytime: 11:00
Olive Oil Press: 11:30
Chanukah Film: 12:15

Time 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Date 12/25/16
Location Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie
For Who? Families & Kids of all ages
Admission details $12 at the door, $10 for advance reservations (below). One free adult admission with each family. Free admission for children under 2.
RSVP and advance discount:  www.SkokieChabad.org/tools/events/register_cdo/eventid/5552