Eitan Hillel Travel Tzedakah Fund

The Eitan Hillel Travel Tzedakah Fund has been set up in memory of Eitan Hillel ben Mishael vChanah Esther

Please support this fund by donating using the form below, or send checks to Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie, 4059 Dempster, Skokie IL, Attention: Eitan Hillel Travel Fund.


Contribution to Eitan Hillel Travel Fund


  * Denotes required field:

Title *
 First Name *
 Last Name *
 Address Line 1 *
 Address Line 2
 City *
 State *
 Zip Code *
 Country *
 E-mail address *







 Visa  MasterCard Amex  Discover
 Amount *
 Card Number *
Expiration Date (MM/YYYY) *